
Showing posts from June, 2023

#BlackAltBae: Miles Strand

I stumbled across  Miles Strand on TikTok when he did a metal cover of "Unholy" by Sam Smith. You may have noticed I repost him a lot on Instagram. So when he answered my call for allcomers, I was ecstatic. I reluctantly concluded this awesome interview on June 27th, 2023...but I had to let the man get back to his life. Miles!!! Your version of "Unholy" ruined all other versions for me, including the original (I accidentally heard yours first, and after that, no one else came close). How long have you been making music? HAHAHAHA, oh man, I love that! Well, I started my first (real) band in high school, and that was the first instance where I started trying to actually write and perform my own stuff, so I guess it's been about 23 years that I've been making music!

#BlackAltBae: INVincible K

I had the pleasure of first meeting Kendall a.k.a.  INVincible K on Instagram when I invited allcomers for interviews. He was my very first responder, and I loved getting to know him a little better during this interview we completed June 24,2023. My fellow Houstonian!!! What a pleasure to meet you! Have you always been based in Houston?  When did you start making music professionally?  What's uppp! Yeah, I was born and raised in Houston. Started making music professionally around 5 years ago.  Do you play any instruments? Yes, I play the guitar, the bass, and the piano; not the best at reading music though. I know all the basic stuff like notes and chords, took guitar in high school and piano as a kid, but eventually stopped. The reading part was always complex but the feeling...if I could catch the then became easy to copy and to play with my other classmates .