At the Bar with Fallon Bowman

South African-born, Canada-based Fallon Bowman is the former guitarist for and founding member of Kittie . She has since helmed Amphibious Assault and now Fallon & The Grace Dynasty . I completed this interview with her on May 24, 2010. At the risk of making us both sound old, I first fell in awe of you when I was in the 11th grade. A friend showed me the "Spit" album and my eyes immediately went to you. I remember gasping over and over again, "There's a brown girl in Kittie? Really?" We both thought you were black, at first; later, of course, I learned you're of Indonesian descent. Among others! My heritage is closely tied to my birth country's dubious relationship with colonialist aspirations - and clearly - desires as well. Now, to be very, VERY honest with you, you were the reason I KEPT listening to Kittie. I bought your album, watched your videos, bought your VHS - you name it. I was waiting for more "you time", I guess...